A word.dot (or .dotx) is being used as a sales proposal template. The
template needs to be simple, but we also need to give our sales reps who use
it, a considerable amount of context sensitive ''help" as they use the
template. And, we don't want the 'help' to be embedded in the file itself
since it might accidentally be left in when the proposal is delivered, where
it might be visible to a sales prospect.
I could easily write a Windows Help system to support this template, but how
would I trigger the context sensitive help from within the Word template?
Or is there a better way?
template needs to be simple, but we also need to give our sales reps who use
it, a considerable amount of context sensitive ''help" as they use the
template. And, we don't want the 'help' to be embedded in the file itself
since it might accidentally be left in when the proposal is delivered, where
it might be visible to a sales prospect.
I could easily write a Windows Help system to support this template, but how
would I trigger the context sensitive help from within the Word template?
Or is there a better way?