Making a number 8 digits long



Hi, can anyone help me?? I am trying to make a number in excel 8
digits long. I have a list of numbers that I have to import to
another aplication and have to ensure all of them are 8 digits long.
A large number of them are, but there are some that are 6 or 7 long.
I am having to manually go through the list and add 0 (zeros) to the
front of the number i.e. 01234567 or 00123456. Is ther a formular I
can use to do this?


Assuming your numbers are in column A, use this in a helper column:


copy down as required, fix the values, then copy them to overwrite the
values in column A. Delete the helper column.

Hope this helps.



Assuming your numbers are in column A, use this in a helper column:


copy down as required, fix the values, then copy them to overwrite the
values in column A. Delete the helper column.

Hope this helps.


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That's fantistic - your a star. Saved me a load of time. Thanks very

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