making a piece of graph paper using tables :-)



hi all,

I was trying to make a piece of graph paper for my daughters math
test, and thought it would be simple in Word to just make a table to
use as a piece of graph paper, however getting the rows and columns
equal (read square) proved more tedious than I would have assumed...

When setting up the rows it gives me a setting in inches, but when
trying to set the height of the rows, it gives me options in "pts"

Is there an easy way to accomplish this?


Greg Maxey

Nite Owl,

There are 72 pts in an inch. For example a .25 inch
column width and a 18 pt row height will give you a table
with square cells.



That helps.


On 11/4/03 11:30 AM Greg Maxey shared with me these great words of wisdom...
Nite Owl,

There are 72 pts in an inch. For example a .25 inch
column width and a 18 pt row height will give you a table
with square cells.


"You can't change the surf,
but you can learn to ride the waves!"

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