Making a seating plan using access




I am currently designing a database that will link a table
containing peoples' names, job titles etc to a plan of
where they are sat. So the fields in 1 table include:

seat number

my problem is that when I try to make another form that
contains a plan of the office I cannot link it to the
above table so it shows names next to each seat number.
Understandably it only shows one record at a time and
cannot show all names against all seats on 1 picture at
the same time.

is there a way to do this??


I think you need 2 more tables

to list all available seats

and tblWhoSitsWhere
to show whos in which seat

Then all you need in your original table is info about the person.

in tblWhoSitsWhere you would have
tblWhoSitsWhereID - A primary Key
SeatID -the idNum of the seat
PersonID - the idNum of the person.

That way you can also shuffle people around a lot easier too.



Thanks Mal,

my problem now is that I cannot work out how to design a form that has a picture of the floor plan and can simultaneously show who sits in every seat. At the moment it just shows one seat at a time (i.e. it goes through 1 seat+person record at a time)


Probably not an easy task

My only thought....

Having unbound fields on the form
and setting their datasource from a query that joins the seats table and the
"who sits where" table..
You wuld have to done some requerying every time you moved a person from
seat to seat....and it might take a pop-up or somthing to assign someone to
a seat...but I think it might work....

let me know.


Mark said:
Thanks Mal,

my problem now is that I cannot work out how to design a form that has a
picture of the floor plan and can simultaneously show who sits in every
seat. At the moment it just shows one seat at a time (i.e. it goes through 1
seat+person record at a time)


I toyed with the idea a little and have a very small (less than 200k)
database that has a form doing what you want.
If you like I could email it to you.
my email is
mal_lori / at / hotmail / dot / com


Jeff Bennett

Mark said:
I am currently designing a database that will link
a table containing peoples' names, job titles etc
to a plan of where they are sat.
So the fields in 1 table include:

seat number

my problem is that when I try to make another form
that contains a plan of the office I cannot link
it to the above table so it shows names next to
each seat number.
Understandably it only shows one record at a time
and cannot show all names against all seats on 1
picture at the same time.

is there a way to do this??

- - -


Did you want to create an image of the tables
showing positions and occupied seats and names
at each seat?

First of course you need to have a database table
that identifies which seat numbers correspond to
which seating table.
Seat Number - the seat number
Table Number - the number of the physical table

This is true whether you want
to have a graphical representation or not.

One good way to represent the result might be to use
a Tree control. You can have the root items be the
tables and the children would be the individuals at each
table. You might even allow users to drag / drop to move
the seated people from one table to another. The MS TreeView
control may work for this ( it comes free with Access) or you
may want to choose another control such as our own TList
in order to display multiple columns ( show the person's
name in one column, his department in another, and his title
in another ). TList will also make the Drag/Drop process
easier to code up.

For a more a graphical representation you might
want to consider using our MetaDraw control - this is
a special kind of Picture Box allowing you to dynamically
create a picture - you can add images to represent the tables
and position as desired in the room. You can also add images
for each seat, and text labels to specify the person sitting
in the seat. You can set up hotspots so user moving mouse
over a seat or clicking on a seat can get additional information
like the persons department name, title, etc, or you might color
code the names and seats. You can also allow end-users to
dynamically move the tables and/or the people.


* * Please include a copy of this note with your reply

Jeff Bennett
(e-mail address removed)

Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc
50 Jericho Tpk, Jericho, NY 11753
Phone 516 997 5596, Fax - 5597

RELIABLE Component Software
and Software Development Services
* TList/Pro * ALLText HT/Pro * MetaDraw *

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