Making a Summary from multiple worksheets



This is the first time I have posted on here so bear with me.....

I have a workbook, with 40 or so worksheets. All of the worksheets have the
same information, in the same places.

I want to pick out a summary of this information eg name, DOB, total charge
and invoice number etc. onto one sheet into columns A,B,C etc in a nice neat
little list.

I have done this before in VBA but cannot for the life of me remember the
wording (have not used VBA since). I do remember counting the columns as
numbers so column F line 26 would be 6,26, but that is all.

I am depseratly hoping that someone can help me because this is driving me
nuts now!

Thankyou so much in anticipation


Maury Markowitz

I haven't tried this myself so there's likely errors in the code, but
try this...

set summ = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("theNameOfTheSummarySheet")
i = 1
for each sheet in ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
if"theNameOfTheSummarySheet" then goto SKIPTHISONE
theThingIWant = sheet.range("A1") ' adjust this to get the value
you're interested in
summ.Cells(1, i) = theThingIWant ' the first number is the row,
the second is the column
next sheet


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