Making a template with logarithmic chart


Rick Flaherty

I'm working on a template to analyze stock data. I want
to enter data and chart it on a logrithimic y axis. I
guess Excel assumes that all empty cells are either 0 or
a negative number because when I start to enter data a
message appears and tells me that you can't chart 0 or
negative numbers in a logrithimic chart. If I could enter
the data it wouldn't be 0 or negative.
How can I make a template that allows you to enter the
data before it determines the data is in error.

Martin Brown

Rick Flaherty said:
I'm working on a template to analyze stock data. I want
to enter data and chart it on a logrithimic y axis. I
guess Excel assumes that all empty cells are either 0 or
a negative number because when I start to enter data a
message appears and tells me that you can't chart 0 or
negative numbers in a logrithimic chart. If I could enter
the data it wouldn't be 0 or negative.

That has to be one of Excels most irritating error messages. And it is
rather fickle about how and when it gives it. There are different kinds
of "empty" cell that superficially look the same on the screen - ISTR
those containing empty strings or spaces cause this msg.

I only have the problem you describe with log charts XL2k iff I put some
space characters or 0 data into the array being plotted.
How can I make a template that allows you to enter the
data before it determines the data is in error.

Try forcing the minimum Y scale to manual value of 1 and make sure that
the contents of every data cell in the range being plotted
logarithmically is deleted. A blank text entry or null string will
elicit the error msg.

All cells in your plot range should give ISBLANK( ) = TRUE

Reading in raw data you have to explicitly delete any zero value data if
it is destined for a log plot before the chart is created.


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