Making Chat rooms




When you say "Secure" what exactly are you referring to?

I am assumming you are referring to having people log in
to use the chat room, since using SSL would not make to
much sense.

If your host supports sub webs, the easiest way would be
to create a sub web with unique permissions. This would
allow you to control access to the chat room.

You would be able to use FP for the general layout, but
it would require some type of dynamic scripting asp, php,

Here are some chat room scripts:

Hope it helps,

Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
Is it possible to create a secure chat room with
Frontpage 2000? If so How?

If you mean a discussion board, yes, you can use the
Discussion Web Wizard to create a discussion Web site,
and then you can remove anonymous access so that visitors
need to enter a Windows username and password that are
valid on the Web server.

In terms of features, this is definitely an entry-level
solution. However, it can get you started.

If you mean a true interactive chat room, no, you need to
set up a chat server for that.

And if you mean the kind of self-registration system
where visitors self-register and confirm their address
via E-Mail, then no, you would need to program this
yourself of find a third-party solution.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

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