Yesterday, I came across the following code that allows one to test for
a true date using the function ISDATE():
Public Function ExcelIsDate(DateStr) As Boolean
If IsDate(DateStr) Then
ExcelIsDate = True
ExcelIsDate = False
End If
End Function
The code works well, but if I quit Excel and then at some later time
re-launch it, the code is no longer available for my new file.
How can I make it available to any new file whenever I open Excel?
a true date using the function ISDATE():
Public Function ExcelIsDate(DateStr) As Boolean
If IsDate(DateStr) Then
ExcelIsDate = True
ExcelIsDate = False
End If
End Function
The code works well, but if I quit Excel and then at some later time
re-launch it, the code is no longer available for my new file.
How can I make it available to any new file whenever I open Excel?