Making combo boxes compulsory



At the moment I have a form with 4 synchronized combo boxes and a button
at the bottom. When the button is pressed the options chosen in the
combo boxes are sent to a table. The problem I have at the moment is
that I need it so that the users have to select an option in all 4
combo boxes before they can submit the results to the table. Any

Also does anybody know how to make it so that if a certain option is
chosen in the first combo box the other 3 are automatically filled in?




In the OnClick event of the command button you could run a little validation
procedure before opening the report/query(whatever it is the button is
supposed to do)


Dim lvalid as long 'form module level variable

In the Onclick event of command button
lvalid = validateentry()
if lvalid = false then
exit sub
openreport code or whatever
end if

Function validateentry()
validateentry = false ' this sets the default

if nz(combo1.value,"") = "" then
msgbox "Please select from drop down list"
exit function
end if

if nz(combo2.value,"") = "" then
msgbox "Please select from drop down list"
exit function
end if

validateentry = true ' if the code gets to here then everything must be ok

end function



Marshall Barton

arsxr49 said:
At the moment I have a form with 4 synchronized combo boxes and a button
at the bottom. When the button is pressed the options chosen in the
combo boxes are sent to a table. The problem I have at the moment is
that I need it so that the users have to select an option in all 4
combo boxes before they can submit the results to the table. Any

Also does anybody know how to make it so that if a certain option is
chosen in the first combo box the other 3 are automatically filled in?

I sometimes use event procedures like the ones below for the
"chained" combo boxes. I'm not familiar with the details of
your form so I'm not sure where you would disable the
command button for new or existing records.

Private Sub Combo0_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
With Me.Combo0
Cancel = .ListIndex < 0
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmdSubmit.Enabled = False
With Me.Combo2
If Len(Trim(Nz(Me.Combo0, ""))) > 0 Then
If .ListCount = 1 Then
.Value = .ItemData(0)
.Value = Null
End If
End If
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Combo2_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
With Me.Combo2
Cancel = .ListIndex < 0
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Combo2_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmdSubmit.Enabled = False
With Me.Combo4
If Len(Trim(Nz(Me.Combo2, ""))) > 0 Then
If .ListCount = 1 Then
.Value = .ItemData(0)
.Value = Null
End If
End If
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Combo4_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
With Me.Combo4
Cancel = .ListIndex < 0
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Combo4_AfterUpdate()
With Me.cmdSubmit
If Len(Trim(Nz(Me.Combo4, ""))) > 0 Then
.Enabled = True
.Enabled = False
End If
End With
End Sub

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