making comments within a formula



I am new to excel and tried to google the answer but could not find it so
here goes. I made a simple budget spreadsheet for all of my expenses. One
of my columns is for misc purchases. I am using the following basic formula
for my cell "=126.22+38.56+37.93+49.12+32.89+19.78". I am doing it this way
so i can see the indivual expenses when i click back on the cell. I would
however like to be able to comment on each expense what it was such as
"=126.22(mechanic)+38.56(Medication)+37.93(Rubios bar and grill)" and so on
but i am unable to find the correct syntax to make this work. If this is
possible to label each variable in my equation could someone please let me
know how to do it?


Hi KG,

You can't insert the comments into the formula, but you can attach a comment to the cell (Insert|Comment).

Bob Phillips

=126.22+N("Mechanic")+38.56+N("Medication")+37.93+N("Rubios bar and grill")

Bob Phillips

I have often used N to resolve a numeric value, such as in OFFSET.

If you want a comment in a text result, you can combine N & T

=A1&" should be paid on: "&TEXT(B1,"mm/dd/yyyy")&TEXT(N("due date of


Hi Bob,

Neat trick - =N(value) returns 0 if the value is a text string. On that basis, =ISNUMBER(value) could be used the same way
(=N(value) is simpler, though)!

Rick Rothstein

While perhaps not as "alerting" to it being a comment as the N function is,
you can save 4 characters and a function call by doing it this way...

=A1&" should be paid on: "&TEXT(B1,"mm/dd/yyyy")&LEFT("due date of

Rick Rothstein

Neat trick - =N(value) returns 0 if the value is a text string. On that
basis, =ISNUMBER(value) could be used the same way
(=N(value) is simpler, though)!

This would work too...

=A1+COUNT(text value)

It saves 3 characters over ISNUMBER; but, of course, as you say, N(value) is



Thank you so much! That is perfect for what i need. This makes our review
of our misc spending for the month much easier. Thanks again.


KG83 said:

Thank you so much! That is perfect for what i need.

just to mention, maybe is more effciient and readable to have the next

on column, say "x" from row 5 to row 10 place numerical expenses vaules, on
column "y", next to numerical, put textual comments. and finaly, on column
"m" [misc] in desired row put just a sum formula for "x" column, like

on that way you have readable and printable comments. selecting cell in
column "m" and placing cursor in formula bar, you may see what subrange it
refers, and what i the misc comment

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