Making cumstom t-shirt web site for My customers

  • Thread starter Thank You, KALISTICAL
  • Start date

Tom [Pepper] Willett

Oh, you need much more than FP to create it. You're going to need to either
be one heck of a script/program writer, or hire someone to do it, or
research the web to find scripts or programs.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
in message : Weel I'm going to do it!
: Create a web site for My custom t-shirt business.
: How do I create the design page? I have front page 2003,
: Do I need something other then front page to create an design page?
: (ex:
: RJ


Dear Tom,
Thank you for the insite. For some reason that is the only anwer I've been
getting for some time now. Tom do you know of any programs or sripts that are
used to do this?


Tom [Pepper] Willett

Nope, sorry. Sure don't.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
in message : Dear Tom,
: Thank you for the insite. For some reason that is the only anwer I've been
: getting for some time now. Tom do you know of any programs or sripts that
: used to do this?
: Rj
: "Tom [Pepper] Willett" wrote:
: > Oh, you need much more than FP to create it. You're going to need to
: > be one heck of a script/program writer, or hire someone to do it, or
: > research the web to find scripts or programs.
: > --
: > Tom [Pepper] Willett
: > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
: > ---------------------------
: > "Thank You, KALISTICAL" <[email protected]>
: > in message : > : Weel I'm going to do it!
: > : Create a web site for My custom t-shirt business.
: > : How do I create the design page? I have front page 2003,
: > : Do I need something other then front page to create an design page?
: > : (ex:
: > :
: > : RJ
: > :
: >
: >
: >


When you say "this" in 'do you know of any programs or scripts that are used
to do this', we have no idea what 'this' actually is. We know you are going
to create a website for your business, but that's about it. We would need
to know -

* what functionality will the website have? For example, do you want to
create a site where people can customize their shirts right in the browser?
* will it be an ecommerce site?
* what is your skill level with HTML and CSS?
* what is your skill level with server scripting (ASP/ASP.NET/PHP etc.)?
* what is your time frame?

Given your question, I'm going to assume that you have not created a website
before. If that's the case, it would take you many months and lots of
sweat, mistakes, and elbow grease to create a site of the complexity that I
think you are imagining.

MVP Expression Web

Thank You said:
Dear Tom,
Thank you for the insite. For some reason that is the only anwer I've been
getting for some time now. Tom do you know of any programs or sripts that
used to do this?


Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
Oh, you need much more than FP to create it. You're going to need to
be one heck of a script/program writer, or hire someone to do it, or
research the web to find scripts or programs.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
"Thank You, KALISTICAL" <[email protected]>
in message : Weel I'm going to do it!
: Create a web site for My custom t-shirt business.
: How do I create the design page? I have front page 2003,
: Do I need something other then front page to create an design page?
: (ex:
: RJ


Has I said in the frist posting and even gave an link for an example as to
what "THIS IS!"
Thank you any way for you help RJ

Murray said:
When you say "this" in 'do you know of any programs or scripts that are used
to do this', we have no idea what 'this' actually is. We know you are going
to create a website for your business, but that's about it. We would need
to know -

* what functionality will the website have? For example, do you want to
create a site where people can customize their shirts right in the browser?
* will it be an ecommerce site?
* what is your skill level with HTML and CSS?
* what is your skill level with server scripting (ASP/ASP.NET/PHP etc.)?
* what is your time frame?

Given your question, I'm going to assume that you have not created a website
before. If that's the case, it would take you many months and lots of
sweat, mistakes, and elbow grease to create a site of the complexity that I
think you are imagining.

MVP Expression Web

Thank You said:
Dear Tom,
Thank you for the insite. For some reason that is the only anwer I've been
getting for some time now. Tom do you know of any programs or sripts that
used to do this?


Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
Oh, you need much more than FP to create it. You're going to need to
be one heck of a script/program writer, or hire someone to do it, or
research the web to find scripts or programs.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
"Thank You, KALISTICAL" <[email protected]>
in message : Weel I'm going to do it!
: Create a web site for My custom t-shirt business.
: How do I create the design page? I have front page 2003,
: Do I need something other then front page to create an design page?
: (ex:
: RJ


Yes Murray this is the first time, that I'll be creating a web site! Yes I am
an Entrepreneur! Just like many of us in this world, we would like to work
for are selfs and share with the world our skills with an open mind!

Besides who do you think created your business that you worked for? An
Entrepreneur. I'm sure they took whatever risks there was in order to get

So if my posting pissed you off, couldn't you have at least gotten all the
facts first before you replyed?


Murray said:
When you say "this" in 'do you know of any programs or scripts that are used
to do this', we have no idea what 'this' actually is. We know you are going
to create a website for your business, but that's about it. We would need
to know -

* what functionality will the website have? For example, do you want to
create a site where people can customize their shirts right in the browser?
* will it be an ecommerce site?
* what is your skill level with HTML and CSS?
* what is your skill level with server scripting (ASP/ASP.NET/PHP etc.)?
* what is your time frame?

Given your question, I'm going to assume that you have not created a website
before. If that's the case, it would take you many months and lots of
sweat, mistakes, and elbow grease to create a site of the complexity that I
think you are imagining.

MVP Expression Web

Thank You said:
Dear Tom,
Thank you for the insite. For some reason that is the only anwer I've been
getting for some time now. Tom do you know of any programs or sripts that
used to do this?


Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
Oh, you need much more than FP to create it. You're going to need to
be one heck of a script/program writer, or hire someone to do it, or
research the web to find scripts or programs.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
"Thank You, KALISTICAL" <[email protected]>
in message : Weel I'm going to do it!
: Create a web site for My custom t-shirt business.
: How do I create the design page? I have front page 2003,
: Do I need something other then front page to create an design page?
: (ex:
: RJ

Trevor Lawrence

I am sure that Murray can defend himself, but I thought his reply was on the
mark. Tom said much the same. Murray asked reasonable questions and I think
you will find that he is quite ready to help, as are others.

If you want your site to look just like , then copy all the code and amend
it to reflect the links to our own site.

Of course, I don't recommend this action for many reasons
1. You may run you into IP problems.
2. You would want your site to have an individual look.
3. You may have other requirements
4. The statement "amend it to reflect the links to our own site" is NOT
simple to implement without knowing:-
a) What the HTML, JS and CSS is doing
b) How to amend this code and/or add your own
(That is, without possessing the required skill levels that Murray refers
to. I see 57 lines of code which either is or calls JS; in 2 cases it calls
CSS. The external JS, and CSS, could be huge.)

I am willing to offer advice as I say are many others, so don't think we are
all selfish and unwilling to share.



yes his questions were right on target. The questions were fine. It was the
unspoken gestures, was what I was referring to.

\Besides I didn't request for help to cause you guys (that work hard
responding to these request) bad will.

So do to all of this commotion going on I think maybe it would be best for
me to find another source, don't want to cause anymore headache, then there
already is.

Remember to always look for the good in everything you do,
and always wear a smile to keep your day fulfilled with joy.

So long,



I don't think anyone is selfish, Thank you for your kind words.



There were no unspoken 'gestures' in my post. Just the facts.

To start from gound zero with web development (with no knowledge of HTML and
CSS) and expect to -

a) create your own entrepreneureal business site
b) that allows visitors to customize anything
c) that ranks well enough with search engines
d) in what has to be a very competitive market niche
e) in less than several years

(in my opinion) is ambitious to the point of being naive.

My suggestion would be to spend 3 months learning HTML and CSS to the point
where you can hand code a page using Notepad/Text Edit. Then you will need
to learn a server scripting method. Finally you will need to study both
ecommerce implementation and databases. Then you will be ready to embark on
your venture.

Otherwise you will get a site that is -

a) insecure
b) looks like it is the first site someone built
c) behaves like it is the first site someone built
d) ranks so poorly in the search engines that you have no visitors

Sorry for speaking harshly, but I think those are considerations you have to
build into your plan.



You are something else, thank you for your reply. I can't believe it is
going to take that much work but if that is the way I have to go then it can
be done. I was hoping to hear an easier solution like abode text program and
a shopping cart program.

Good day,


Good luck. It will take alot of work. You have to learn the underlying
technologies before you can twiddle the buttons properly. It is REALLY
important that you begin with a realistic sense of the magnitude of the
task. This task is big.

Get started here -

Rob Giordano [MS MVP]

really big.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

Rob Giordano [MS MVP]

Welp, I can share this with you; my brother used to own a printshop (20
years or so) and I know a little about printing but mostly web design and
graphic arts. So, a few years ago we had decided to try to create something
along the lines of VistaPrint on the web and discovered it was going to cost
50-100k for custom software/webware to do this. Granted this was not for
screen print output, but to go from user-designed online graphics directly
to plate creation and press, so it may be different in your case.

I would call the company who's website you liked and see if you can get some
info from them as to who designed the package for them.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

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