Making Customized Menu Visible



I have a template that contains a customized toolbar with
toolbar buttons assigned to macros I created and a
customized menu that contains those same toolbar buttons.
When opening a document based on this template, I can get
the toolbar to be visible by assigning that toolbar to
the normal template and then under the TemplateProject
(for the template I am working on), Microsoft Word
Objects, and ThisDocument specifying that that toolbar be
visible when a New document is opened, but I haven't
figured out how to add my menu to the menu toolbar. How
can I add my menu to the menu toolbar, and how can I make
my toolbar visible without having to have imported it
into the Normal template, which has some unwanted

Charles Kenyon

Make the customization context for your toolbar and macros your template.

With your template open and the Customize dialog showing save in your
Copy your custom menu from your toolbar (ctrl-drag) to the menubar. It
should show up on the menubar when a document based on your template is open
(assuming your template is properly attached to the document).

I do all of this manually on my templates and my Add-Ins but it can be done
through code if you need to do so for some reason. I wouldn't do it using
code with a document template.


My customized menu is already attached to the menu bar.
The problem is that my customized menu does not appear on
documents based from this template. I think my template
is not properly attached to the document. IN the
Templates and Add-Ins dialog box, under the Templates
tab, will attaching my template in the Document template
area then make all toolbars and menus available to
documents based on this template? (I tried this and got
an error message.)(My Word manual is a little skimpy in
this area.) I also need to make sure that these items are
available to all users who open a document from this
template. (The template is stored as a Workgroup

Thanks for any help

Charles Kenyon

It wasn't attached to the menu bar in the template but rather in,
would be my guess.

Charles Kenyon

The easy answer is to build your menu or command on a custom toolbar in your
template making sure that changes are being saved to the template.

To see where your menu or command currently resides...
Start Word without your template. Is your menu or command there? If so, it
is in or some other global template. (Other template is

If not...
Open your template while holding down the shift key (this prevents code from
running). Is your menu or command there? Then it is built into your

If not...
Close your template and reopen it allowing any code to run.
Is your menu or command there? Then it is built by code that is in your
template but is not necessarily built by that code into your template.

If not...
Close your template and create a new document based on the template.
Is your menu or command there? Then it is built by code that is in your
template but not necessarily built into your template or your document.

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