Making images visible and not visible


Tim J La Fazia

Is there a way to remove the flashing that occurs when hiding and showing

I have a number of images stacked on top of each other with 1 of them
visible and the rest not visible @ any given time.

Based on value changes one of them is made visible and the current visible
is made not visible.

Then I repaint the form. The image flashes whenever this occurs. I beleive
this has something to do with the main access window being hidden.

any ideas?


Use this Code

FormName.Painting = False
changing images
FormName.Painting = True


What Painting does is that it freezes the scrren upadate of the form.
so when you do display changes on the form and its controls, the user doen't
see any visible changes from the initial state until you've finished your
code of set the painting to True.

Marshall Barton

Tim said:
Is there a way to remove the flashing that occurs when hiding and showing

I have a number of images stacked on top of each other with 1 of them
visible and the rest not visible @ any given time.

Based on value changes one of them is made visible and the current visible
is made not visible.

Then I repaint the form. The image flashes whenever this occurs. I beleive
this has something to do with the main access window being hidden.

Have you tried using Echo False? If not, be sure to
guarantee that Echo True is executed regardless of everry
conceivable error opr you could end up with a window that
appears to be frozen .

Tim J La Fazia

I know exactly what painting does!

I don't think you entirely understand my problem.

I want my users to see each change as they occur.

I want them to see the changes clearly. I have not been able to do this
with access window hidden. Hidding the access window causes flashing.

I would like to know why, and how to fix this problem.


Sorry for misunderstanding then!
But I still don't get what you are actually doing..
and I don't think it has to do with the main window hidden or shown (you can
try with hidden and then shown, you'll see no diffrence normally)

and how are you changing the images? when does it occure? what's your code?

Tim J La Fazia

I know that it has to do with the window being hidden because I have tested
both ways.

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