making macro available to other presentations and deleting macros



hi there,

office 2003 sp1, windows xp pro sp2,

two problems:

first one:

i have recorded macro's for one of my presentations, let's call it
presentation A. i have also created (assigned) toolbar buttons for these
macros, which work in the original presentation A. when i save, close and
relaunch presentation A, the macro's and the toolbar buttons worked without a

now i have created other presentations, e.g. presentation B, C, D, etc., and
the toolbar buttons though still present within the toolbar, they are not
functional. the only way for me to run the macro was to go to Tool -> Macro
-> Macros and run the selected macro.

is there a way to link the buttons to these macros so that the macros would
be available for other presentations?

second one:

in making these macros, i have tested and discarded quite a lot of them
macros before i got them right. initially when i go to Tool -> Macro ->
Macros i made it a point to delete the earlier macros that weren't right.
however much to my surprise, on my fresh presentation, when i choose Tools ->
Macro -> Macros it was littered with all my earlier unwanted macros (modules)
that i thought i have discarded. and because i used the same
description/name, i found myself having to check each and everyone of them to
get to the right and working macros.

is there a way to permamently delete the unwanted macros? are they stored in
particular folder somewhere deep inside powerpoint/office folder or elsewhere?

any help/advice is very much appreciated.

thank you,


Regarding your first question, have a look here, to use your macro's in all
your presentation you need to create an add-in.
I have no immediate answer for your second question, but I am sure someone
else will help you and jump in.
Luc Sanders (MVP - Powerpoint)


Hello Luc, thank you for your response. As I am a novice at this - please
bear with me. Just so to be completely clear, I have to insert copy paste my
macro routine (to do what I want to do) in this portion (is this correct?):

Sub Button1()
' This code will run when you click Button 1 added above
' Add a similar subroutine for each additional button you create on the
' This is just some silly example code.
' You'd put your real working code here to do whatever
' it is that you want to do <ctrlB>"<--- Put my macro code
MsgBox "Will you PLEASE stop clicking me? I have a headache already!"
End Sub

Thank you for your help again.


PS: <ctrlB> is my attempt at making the statement bold - don't know whether
it'll work or not :)


This might help answer your second question:

From PPTools:

"Macros and Active X controls can be persistent little critters. You may get
security warnings even after you think you've deleted them. If so, here are
some things to try:
Press Alt+F11 to start the VBA editor.
Choose View, Project Explorer (or press Ctrl + R) to open the Project
Explorer pane. In it, you'll see a list of all open presentations.
Locate your presentation and doubleclick it to view its contents. If there's
anything shown (Modules, Classes, Forms), rightclick each in turn, then
choose Remove from the pop-up menu. Export them before removing them if you
want to preserve the contents.
If you see any Slides among the other modules, etc. it usually means that
there is or was an Active-X control on that particular slide in your
Remove then re-create any slides that have or once had Active-X controls"



The suggestion from the website to save as PowerPoint Add-Ins cannot work
for me. In my File -> Save As, the option to save as *.ppa extension is not
available. Any further suggestion?


Thank you again for your help. It is a painful solution but I have deleted
my Presentation A along with all the macros (I presumed) and using the url
suggested I did find all my 'old' macros and deleted them. I am now in the
process of recreating the workable macros but would sure love to know how to
share them for my other presentations.

My work around if no other suggestion from 'Luc' was to build all my other
presentations within presentation A and use the macros therein, and once
done, I will cut and copy to new presentations. As for future use of these
macros, it seems (unless I can get save as *.ppa to work) the way forward
would be to open Presentation A, use the macros there and then export the
slides out.

Again, thank you all for further advice/help.


Thank you,



An update of my earlier message. I manually tagged .ppa. Now when I launched
the presentation and add the Add-In as per description, I receive this
notification,"The macros in this project are disabled. Please refer to the
online help or documentation of the host application to determine how to
enable macros.."

Arrrrghh!!!! How frustrating, back to square one. Deep breath-in.




ok, deep breath in and out, calm...

apology to all, frustrations getting the better of me. all is not loss.

i have working macros - my work around works too. so worse come to the worse
it just means that i cannot share my macros outside my presentation A.

would appreciate further help/advice. thank you all for your patience and



Go to Tools - Options - Click on the Security tab, Macro Security. If the
setting is high macros will not run, try setting it to medium or low and see
what happens.

Luc Sanders (MVP - Powerpoint)


Steve and Luc,

Thank you all for your patience and help!

When I read Steve's response to my other queries regarding copy as *.jpg it
made me suspicous that something was not right (terribly wrong) with my
PowerPoint. So I checked with another machine at work and discovered all the
options that Steve and Sandy (another contributor on another one of my
queries) was talking about. I am not quite sure what was happening with my
machine but whilst I went for a walk to 'cool-off' and switched my machine
back-on, all these options were there. Not only that, the macros that I had
deleted were deleted!

The macro suggested by the website did work, where in doing so (perhaps
after my walk - things became clearer) gave me the idea to save my earlier
macros in Presentation A as *.ppa and to then load it for use by other
presentation. I don't understand it, but it worked! The buttons' labels were
pure texts, not curvy or iconized, but they do worked after lowering the
security settings.

Again, thank you all.



Ooooopps, apology, I did not realise that Sandy also had contributed in this
topic :)


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