I am writing a big biographic book the volume of which will near 200 Mgb (or
more) before being converted to a PDF for Upload into Lulu.com. As I write my
MSWORD book and its volume increases, it - increasingly and correspondingly -
takes longer times to SAVE. Also, I am weary of having to RE-SAVE such big
file every time I need to correct a single typo. So, I am temporarily
dividing my book into 3 or more sections, and my concern about SAVING times
is addressed. However, I want my book to have a SINGLE TOC at completion time
(or is it a good idea to have a single TOC for a HUGE book?). In the
meantime, I am cutting a NEW TOC for every section I am cutting. First TOC
covers my Headers from Pge 1 to Pge 94. Second Section has its TOC covering
from Pge 95 to 180... When my book is complete, can I simply COPY TOC 2...
and add it to TOC 1 via CUT-PASTE? Could that work since the pages are
sequential? Or must I converge all the individual sections into one and do a
FULL RE-TOC? How do authors do HUGE works using MSWORD nowadays - do they not
have to worry about SAVE times like me? Please kindly help, any suggestion
would be appreciated.
more) before being converted to a PDF for Upload into Lulu.com. As I write my
MSWORD book and its volume increases, it - increasingly and correspondingly -
takes longer times to SAVE. Also, I am weary of having to RE-SAVE such big
file every time I need to correct a single typo. So, I am temporarily
dividing my book into 3 or more sections, and my concern about SAVING times
is addressed. However, I want my book to have a SINGLE TOC at completion time
(or is it a good idea to have a single TOC for a HUGE book?). In the
meantime, I am cutting a NEW TOC for every section I am cutting. First TOC
covers my Headers from Pge 1 to Pge 94. Second Section has its TOC covering
from Pge 95 to 180... When my book is complete, can I simply COPY TOC 2...
and add it to TOC 1 via CUT-PASTE? Could that work since the pages are
sequential? Or must I converge all the individual sections into one and do a
FULL RE-TOC? How do authors do HUGE works using MSWORD nowadays - do they not
have to worry about SAVE times like me? Please kindly help, any suggestion
would be appreciated.