making my page print on 1 page not 2



I have a template for my company that I must use and I have it downloaded in
word however when I reach line 12ish it automatically jumps the rest of my
typing onto a 2nd page. There is still 1/2 of a page left to type on and I
cannot figure out how to stop this. My paperwork is falling behind please

Terry Farrell

Start by turning on the non-printing characters (Ctrl+Shft+8). This will
then give you an idea of what may be happening. It is obvious that the
template wasn't well designed or at least badly implemented, but there are
many possible causes:
it is prefilled with masses of blank paragraphs (all those pilcro characters
you can see)
the page setup has been set to Vertical Centre
possibly there is an empty drawing object in the page
The paragraph formatting has a rogue setting

Without seeing the template or having further clues, it is difficult to
determine the problem.


Terry. you sound like you are very word wise and I appreciate your
assistance. I turned on the non printing characters but not sure what to do
next. I could send you the template if your willing to figure it out for me.
This application is new to me and has proven to be very fustrating.

Terry Farrell

Go ahead and send it to me as an attachment to an email and I'll take a


Terry Farrell


I've looked at this document and it is exactly as I suspected: the page is
three quarters full of empty paragraph marks. If you open the document and
toggle on the ShowAll command as I suggested, you can see them all.

I also noted that this single page is 753kb file - which is huge. That
simple tiny black and white image in the header is 713kb! Once that is
removed, the document is only 42kb.

But the whole concept of the document layout is a disaster and I really
think you need to get employ someone who knows how to create templates for
your firm.


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