Making Navigation Buttons that Use a Field, not Record Number


Jack G

I'd like to create a set of buttons on a form that look just like the
regular "Navigation Buttons", but rather than displaying the meaningless
Record Number would display a field from the query it's referring to. For
example, it might scroll through Parts Numbers or something like that. I
might even take it a step further and include "fast forward" and "fast
backward" buttons that would skip by 10's.

And just like the regular Navigation Buttons, if I wanted to get to a
particular record right away, I would just type that number in the box. And
I'd also like to be able to hold down the forward and back buttons and get
continuous scrolling.

But I can't figure out how to get started. Can anyone help??



Jack G

Thanks, Stephen!

This looks very close to what I need, except is there a way to show
something other than the row number in the text box? In your sample could
you show CusName instead?


Stephen Lebans

Just look at the code behind the RECNav subform. You can change it to show
anything you want to. Why would you want it to show CusName when there is
most likely already a TextBox bound to the CusName field?


Stephen Lebans
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Jack G

My hope was to use the navigation tool as a quick way to get to a record --
just type the thing I'm looking for in the text box, hit enter, and it jumps
to the record that contains that value. Then when I want to scroll up or
down or few records I can watch the values in the text box change,and stop
again when I get to the right record.

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