making # + or - based on another cells contents



how do I make one cell postive or negative based on another cells contents.
For Example:

123.00 c
565.00 d
613.00 d

When I upload all numbers come up postive like shown above. How do I get it
so the 123.00/"c" row come up negative. I want all "c"/credits to come up as
a negative number.



Lets say your numbers are in column A and the c&d,s are in column B so in
column C enter this formula:

+IF(B1="c",-A1,IF(B1="d",A1,"No Credit or Debit"))
if in column B would be c the numbet shows as negative and if it would be d
it shows as positive and if it would be no c and no d it shows Nocredit or


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