I have a main page with a frame across the top called "Banner," a
frame under it on the left side called "Contents," and a frame on the
right side called "Main." When I click on a button in the Contents
frame, I'd like the corresponding page to open in the Main frame.
Instead, it opens in a new window.
I've made sure the default target frame is "Main" in the page
properties of all the pages that should be opened in the main window,
but still no luck. What am I doing wrong?
frame under it on the left side called "Contents," and a frame on the
right side called "Main." When I click on a button in the Contents
frame, I'd like the corresponding page to open in the Main frame.
Instead, it opens in a new window.
I've made sure the default target frame is "Main" in the page
properties of all the pages that should be opened in the main window,
but still no luck. What am I doing wrong?