I found a neat trick in this month's (May!) MacWorld that might help
scrunch PDFs for free. on p 77 "TIP! Use Colorsync to shrink PDF sizes"
In brief: Print to PDF in Word, Open the PDF file in Colorsync,
FIlters->New, rename it "Compressed", Details->Color pulldown->Images,
then Compression pulldown, choose quality setting, then choose JPEG,
They quoted a pdf scrunched from 57MB to 4MB. I tried a PDF created for
press in InDesign (I rarely do images in Word, so I didn't have
anything scrunchable lying about). It thought about it for some time,
and reduced the document from 227MB to 15MB. It looked slightly better
than the 3MB web ready version that InDesign itself could do if I told
it to scrunch everything for the web from first principles. This was a
48 page booklet with dozens of high res images, eps and stuff.
I find that text only Word documents printed as PDF in OS X are seldom
more than double the Word doc size, and usually much closer to the
original, say about 25% greater.