Making the Detail invisible but showing the calculated totals.




Does anyone know how to make the detail section of a report visible = false and still get the totals in the report???

Here is the code to make the detail section invisible but it does not print totals calculated in the detail section???

'Sum or Detail Selection
sUserName = GetUserName()
SumDet = GetGlobalVariable(sUserName, "SumDetSelection")
If SumDet = True Then
Me.Detail.Visible = False
Me.Detail.Visible = True
End If
'End Detail Selection
End Sub
Thank You, Leo

------ The whole report code.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim SRTotal
Dim OrdersTotal
Dim QuotesNumofJobs
Dim OrdersNumofJobs
Dim sUserName As String
Dim SumDet As Boolean
Private fGray As Integer

Private Sub AlternateGray()
Const adhcColorGray = 14671839
Const adhcColorWhite = &HFFFFFF
On Error GoTo Err_AlternateGray
Me.Section(0).BackColor = IIf(fGray, adhcColorGray, adhcColorWhite)
fGray = Not fGray

End Sub

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

If IsNull(QuotedPrice) Or QuotedPrice = 0 Then
Me!sQuotedPrice = Me!DesignPrice
Me!sQuotedPrice = Me!QuotedPrice
End If
Me![sGuessPrice] = Format(Me![Guess Price], "Currency")
Me![sQuotedPrice] = Format(Me!sQuotedPrice, "Currency")
Me!sGuessPrice = IIf([sGuessPrice] = 0, "", [sGuessPrice])
If Nz(Me!sQuotedPrice, 0) = 0 Or Len(Me!sQuotedPrice) = 0 Then
Me!sGuessPrice.Visible = True
Me!sQuotedPrice.Visible = False
Me!sGuessPrice.Visible = False
Me!sQuotedPrice.Visible = True
End If

'Sum or Detail Selection
sUserName = GetUserName()
SumDet = GetGlobalVariable(sUserName, "SumDetSelection")
If SumDet = True Then
Me.Detail.Visible = False
Me.Detail.Visible = True
End If
'End Detail Selection
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Dim SGPrice
SGPrice = IIf(IsNull(sGuessPrice) Or Trim(sGuessPrice) = "", 0, sGuessPrice)
SRTotal = SRTotal + (IIf(sQuotedPrice = 0 Or Len(sQuotedPrice) = 0, SGPrice, Nz(sQuotedPrice)))
End Sub
Private Sub ReportFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
TPrice = SRTotal
sreporttotal = OrdersTotal
sReportNumofJobs = OrdersNumofJobs
sQuotesNumofJobs = QuotesNumofJobs
If Me.Page = 1 Then
Me.Label518.Visible = False
Me.Label518.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReportFooter_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
OrdersTotal = Me.TPrice + Sub_Lay_Out_for_Approval.Report!TPrice + Sub_Eng_BL.Report!TPrice + Sub_In_Transit.Report!TPrice + Sub_Build_BL.Report!TPrice + _
OrdersNumofJobs = Me.sNumofJobs + Sub_Lay_Out_for_Approval.Report!sNumofJobs + Sub_Eng_BL.Report!sNumofJobs + Sub_In_Transit.Report!sNumofJobs + Sub_Build_BL.Report!sNumofJobs + _
QuotesNumofJobs = Sub_Bid_BL.Report!sNumofJobs + Sub_Lay_Quotes_BL.Report!sNumofJobs
End Sub
Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
OrdersTotal = 0
SRTotal = 0
QuotesNumofJobs = 0
OrdersNumofJobs = 0
End Sub

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