Why don't you change the caption?
Or, instead of style msoButtonCaption, use msoButtonIconAndCaption an
change the icon ...
from say, the up arrow (.FaceId = 134) to the down arrow (.FaceId
Or from the lightening bolt (.FaceId = 346) to the lightening bolt wit
an X through it (.FaceId = 348).
The documentation on the available Face Ids is somewhat slim. So I'v
written a macro that will create a toolbar full of icons. Here it is:
Sub ButtonIDs()
' The purpose of this macro is to help us find FaceId numbers
' for custom toolbar buttons
' This macro creates a tool bar with up to 400 buttons (plus 1)
' each button on the tool bar (except the plus 1) calls
' a macro named "TellMeWho" (in Module2), which tells us
' the FaceId of the button we pressed.
' The "plus 1" button calls this macro again. Therefore, users
' can call this macro recursively to find every FaceId between
' 1 and 3518. Note that calling a FaceId greater than 3518 creates
' an "out of range" error.
'if a toolbar named "MyCustomBar" exists, then count number of button
on it
thisID = 0
numBars = CommandBars.Count
For Each Bar In CommandBars
If Bar.Name = "MyCustomBar" Then
numControls = Bar.Controls.Count
thisID = Bar.Controls(numControls - 2).FaceId
End If
Next Bar
myChoice = MsgBox("Do you want to show buttons?", vbOKCancel, _
"This Macro will create a toolbar with up to 40
If myChoice = vbCancel Then GoTo EndMacro
' myNum = Application.InputBox("Enter a number")
Prompt = "Enter a number between 1 and 3118"
Title = "Where do you want to begin?"
If thisID > 1 Then _
Title = "The last button displayed was " & thisID
DefaultValue = thisID + 1
myNum = Application.InputBox(Prompt, Title, DefaultValue)
If myNum = "False" Then GoTo AskForChoice
myNum = myNum + 0 'convert from text to value
' If myNum < 1 Or myNum > 3100 Then
' MsgBox "please enter a number between 1 and 3118"
' GoTo EnterNumberHere
' End If
'if a toolbar named "MyCustomBar" exists, then delete it
For Each Bar In CommandBars
If Bar.Name = "MyCustomBar" Then Bar.Delete
Next Bar
'create a blank custom toolbar
CommandBars.Add(Name:="MyCustomBar").Visible = False
Set myBar = CommandBars("MyCustomBar")
'add buttons to the toolbar
For i = myNum To myNum + 399
On Error GoTo ShowTheToolbar
Set myControl = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
myControl.FaceId = i
myControl.Caption = i
myControl.OnAction = "TellMeWho" 'in Module2
Next i
Set myControl = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
myControl.FaceId = 453
myControl.Caption = "Show More Buttons"
myControl.OnAction = "ButtonIDs"
myControl.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
Set myControl = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
myControl.FaceId = 3764
myControl.Caption = "Kill Toolbar"
myControl.OnAction = "KillToolbar"
myControl.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
With myBar
.Visible = True
.Width = 500
.Left = 200
.Top = 150
End With
myChoice = MsgBox("Mouse-over or click on button to see it
FaceId", _
vbOKOnly, "This toolbar shows buttons " & myNum & " to "
End Sub
Sub TellMeWho()
' This macro creates a message box telling us the
' FaceId of the toolbar icon that called this macro
Set theCtrl = CommandBars.ActionControl
thisID = theCtrl.FaceId
MsgBox "You pressed button number " & thisID
End Sub
Sub KillToolbar()
'if a toolbar named "MyCustomBar" exists, then delete it
For Each Bar In CommandBars
If Bar.Name = "MyCustomBar" Then Bar.Delete
Next Bar
End Su