Hi. I have a makro that displays a userform that can generate a report. The
report is to be created when the user presses a button on the user form. The
report is to be shown in a new worksheet that the program creates. I want the
new worksheet to have certain settings (e.g. no gridlines). I am trying to
write code for this but I do not know how to refer to the worksheet without
using the very unconvenient code when setting one worksheet active and then
applying the changes. Code:
Private Sub worksheetMaker()
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim SH As Worksheet
Dim iCtr As Long
Const sName As String = "Rapport "
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
iCtr = WB.Worksheets.Count
Set SH = Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(iCtr))
SH.Name = sName & iCtr
Sheets(SH.Name).DisplayGridlines = False
The last line is wrong. How do you wirte this so that it works? Please help
report is to be created when the user presses a button on the user form. The
report is to be shown in a new worksheet that the program creates. I want the
new worksheet to have certain settings (e.g. no gridlines). I am trying to
write code for this but I do not know how to refer to the worksheet without
using the very unconvenient code when setting one worksheet active and then
applying the changes. Code:
Private Sub worksheetMaker()
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim SH As Worksheet
Dim iCtr As Long
Const sName As String = "Rapport "
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
iCtr = WB.Worksheets.Count
Set SH = Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(iCtr))
SH.Name = sName & iCtr
Sheets(SH.Name).DisplayGridlines = False
The last line is wrong. How do you wirte this so that it works? Please help