man days Field



Hi,am creating a custom field to display the total mandays rather than the elapsed date. For ex. if a resource is working for 4 days with 50 % unit then the man days will be 2 days and not 4 days
I want to find out the field name which stores this Unit %. Iam not able to find out. Can anyone help me to resolve this

Thanks in advanc

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Arun,

I think that you are looking for the "Assignment Units" field, but what do
you think about the "Work" field ? You can format it in (man)days :
Tools/ Options / Schedule / Work is entered in... Days

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret

Arun said:
Hi,am creating a custom field to display the total mandays rather than the
elapsed date. For ex. if a resource is working for 4 days with 50 % unit
then the man days will be 2 days and not 4 days
I want to find out the field name which stores this Unit %. Iam not able
to find out. Can anyone help me to resolve this.


Hi, Thanks for ur early reply. But i was trying to find out the Mandays. the duration column that is displayed is the elapsed date/time. For ex. a resource is working on a task for 4 half a days . then the total effort put by that task is 2 mandays & not 4 mandays. But the duration field displayed in the gantt chart displays as 4. I want to add a custome field & calculate this mandays. How do i do that??

Thanks again.

Steve House

The duration column is actually not elapsed time at all. There are in fact
three measures to keep in mind here and they are NOT interchangeable.

Duration - the number of working time minutes between when a task begins and
when it finishes.

Elapsed Time - the total number of clock minutes, including both working and
non-working time, between when the task begins and when it finishes.

Work - the number of effort units, i.e. the sweat, required to complete the
task, usually expressed in man-hours but it's perfectly ok to use man-days
if you prefer and this is the value you are trying to display.

Assuming the standard calendar, a task beginning 8am today, 26 Jan, and
finishing 5pm Friday, 06 Feb, with 1 person working 4 hours per day on it
will have an elapsed time of ~11.33 24-hour days (weekend counts) or 272
hours, a duration of 10 8-hour days (weekend and nights do not count) or 80
hours, and a work of 40 man-hours or 5 man-days.

In the Tools Options menu, Schedule tab, set the units for work to be
entered in days. Add the Work column to the entry table in your Gantt chart
and any other tables where you like to see it. Be advised that the Work
field does not get populated until resources are assigned the task because
any number you put there is almost meaningless until the number of hours the
resource who is assigned works in a day and the percentage of his workday he
is expected to spend on that task are known.

Steve House
MS Project MVP

Arun said:
Hi, Thanks for ur early reply. But i was trying to find out the Mandays.
the duration column that is displayed is the elapsed date/time. For ex. a
resource is working on a task for 4 half a days . then the total effort put
by that task is 2 mandays & not 4 mandays. But the duration field displayed
in the gantt chart displays as 4. I want to add a custome field & calculate
this mandays. How do i do that??

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