Manage Sharepoint Sites fails with ADMIN/MANAGESTS object/module n


John Carter

I recently migrated my ProjectServer 2002 and Sharepoint Team Services
application to ProjectServer 2003 and Windows Sharepoint Services environment
per the Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 Installation Guide. I am having
trouble when selecting the link to Manage Sharepoint Sites on the Admin page.
I receieve a script error indicating an OBJECT/MODULE not found, the URL is

Any ideas where I might begin to look? Any refereneces/books that I could
refer to?

John Carter

Problem resolved. Turns out that the MSADC site must be an excluded from the
Virtual Servers Managed paths. This can be accomplished via accessing the
Sharepoint Central Administration, then select configure virtual server
settings. From the list select the default (or target website)he target
virtual server (in my case the Default Website) then select Define Managed
paths, under the heading Virtual Server Management. Add /MSADC as an excluded

It appears that any PWA page that presents grid bound data will exhibit this
problem, unless the MSADC site is excluded.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Also...Make sure you're *not* using "localhost" in your URLs anywhere in the

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