Manager Approval of Timesheets for Specific Individuals


Katie B

Good morning,

In doing some research on the topic of timesheet approval and it's
connection to the layout of the RBS, I was able to determine that a
manager or lead approves anyone that falls below him/her in the RBS
outline code. However if the layout is as follows...

Manager A
-->Team 1 Lead
------>Team 1 Member A
------>Team 1 Member B
-->Team 2 Lead
------>Team 2 Member A
------>Team 2 Member B

Is it possible for Manager A to approve timesheets for the resources
that fall only one level beneath them (i.e Team 1 and Team 2 Leads)?
Or do they automatically see everyone including Team Leads and Team

The problem I'm having is just that: the manager on our project wants
to be able to approve timesheets for JUST the main team leads and not
everyone else that falls below that?

Is there any way that this is possible in either the structure of the
RBS or as a setting in PWA??

Please let me know. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Katie Begell

Dale Howard [MVP]

Katie B --

Add the manager in question to the Resource Managers group. If you have set
either of the timesheet approval permissions to Allow for any other Group to
which your manager belongs, then set those two permissions back to Not
Allowed (neither Allow or Deny) is selected. By default, members of the
Resource Managers group have permission to approve timesheets for only those
resources on level below them, which is what you seek. Hope this helps.

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