managing and prioritizing tasks



I have a gazillion tasks that get assigned to me each week, small and large.
I live by Outlook and keep all my tasks in there. I have been looking for a
way to prioritize & schedule these tasks.

I like the way Franklin-Covey assigns ABC & 123 rankings to each task, and
allows them to scheduled for certain days. But I don't need all the other
garbage that comes with PlanPlus, nor do I need to pay $99 for something that
seems to be embedded in Outlook anyway.

Has anyone found a way to do this? Or found another 3rd party that is a
little more reasonable?


In case anyone is interested....

I played around with Outlook some more, and created my own field for an
outlook task, called "Rank." This way I can use "Priority" to set Hi, Med,
Low priority on tasks, and use Rank to rank them w/in their priority. I also
set start dates out if I can't get to a task that day, or want to start a
task later in the week. I use categories to track tasks by different
projects or category basis. I then set up a couple of different Customized
Views in order to view by Category or by Today's Priorities. It works pretty
well. It could be automated better, but I'll leave that to somebody who gets
paid for this stuff.

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