Managing tool bars w/code


Bob Bonta

I have an application which I have disabled all toolbars
in the startup options. However, I need to make the
Publish in Word or Excel buttons available when a report
is open.

Does anyone know if the tool bars can be manipulated in
code so I can enable when the report is open and disable
when the report is closed.

Thanx in advance ...

Bob Bonta

Albert D. Kallal

Just build a nice custom menu bar for use with all reports. Then, in the
reports other tab, simply set the report to use that menu bar.

It thus essentially takes no code to do what you ask.

If you want to take a nice menu bar that I make for a report, then grab
the following access sample:

The above hides all of the ms-access interface (and does it with no code).
All of the "user" options you need to accomplish this are in the

I also have a sample report that also has a nice custom menu bar setup.
Grab the above sample, and see how it was setup.

And, help your self to the sample menu bar I created for the report...

Bob Bonta


Thank you for your response.

I went to the site with the link you provided. There are
but a few links for Word Merge samples. I am looking for
ACCESS code to enable the Publish to MSWord in an ACCESS
report object. Did I miss something? I'm not looking for
any code to employ withing MS Word.


Bob Bonta

Bob Bonta

Actually, I built a small form with a button that exports
the current report to MS Word. This form's tag property
is populated with the current report object name and when
the button is clicked it calls the docmd.outputto method.
When any report is opened, the small form is called and
when the report is closed, the small form is closed.

Seems to work well - couldn't find anything on microsoft
KB so, necessity is the mother of invention. Although
there perhaps are others who have done something similar,
none responded to my inquiry.



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