manditory screensaver



We have group policy set to activate a screensaver after
15 mins of use, applied to the Domain for security
reasons. We have conserns that during powerpoint
presentations the screensaver would kick off and disrupt
the session. Is there anyway within Powerpoint to
disable the screensaver activation during a slide show?
Email me @ (e-mail address removed)


Hi Bryan,

The short answer is No. I doubt if any application (MS
Office included) can override group policy settings.

During a presentation is the PC required to be connected
to the domain? Does the user have the option of disabling
the the screensaver? Can the presenter wiggle the mouse
within 15 minutes? :)

You might find better help under the Windows newsgroup.

Austin Myers


If you save the presentation as a *.pss file and double click it, it is
launched in playback mode (not edit mode) and that suspends the screen saver
until the presentation is finished. Launching from with in PowerPoint does
NOT do this.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

If you save the presentation as a *.pss file

The guy from Missouri's good with his head but his fingers get jumbled

That'd be PPS, not PSS, Bryan.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Myers:


If the cursor is moved via VBA code, does that count towards 'giggling the
mouse'? Would code that does this with every slide advance keep the screen
saver from activating?


Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

TAJ Simmons said:
And the linux version.....Lingers 2003 <groan>

A quick shot to the head with the brass linuxles will teach you a thing or
two, lad.

Tushar Mehta

Before finding the solution, it might make sense to check if there is a

I know that PP disables the 'normal' screensaver I have programmed on
my computers. Though, I don't know about 'Group Policy' mandates.

Does a group policy require a live network connection? Or does it
apply to standalone computers?

If the former, you are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
If the latter...

Does PP actually override the 15 min. screeensaver policy? Start a PP
slide show and leave it alone for 15 mins. Does the screensaver kick

If it does not, stop right here. You are trying to solve a problem
that doesn't exist.

If it does...

Does the mouse click required to advance a presentation reset the 15
minute counter? Start a PP slideshow, leave it alone for 12 minutes,
then click to go to the next slide. Does the screensaver kick in in
the next 3 minutes? Or does it need an additional 15 minutes?

If the latter, then chances are you don't have a problem. It is hard
to imagine anyone babbling to the same slide for 15 minutes.


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

If the latter, then chances are you don't have a problem. It is hard
to imagine anyone babbling to the same slide for 15 minutes.

Never underestimate the power (and durability) of a determined incompetent,
bent on boring his audience to total destruction.

Back when I ran a service bureau, we once got complaints from a customer
using some overheads we'd printed on a thermal wax printer. The wax was
melting and bubbling and, to hear them tell it, running off the OHTs in

Turns out they were putting the OHTs inside plastic pages, which trapped the
heat, projecting them on a fairly high-powered projector, which gave off
even more heat for the pages to trap. Then it turned out that the problem
didn't occur until an OHT had been on the projector for about 45 minutes.

Think about that.

Try not to shudder.

Kathryn Jacobs

Those are the kind of presenters that need basic training in how to use the
off button! (I leave it to the reader to decide whether I mean for the
speaker or the projector!)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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Kathy is a trainer, writer, Girl Scout, and whatever else there is time for
I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

Those are the kind of presenters that need basic training in how to use
off button! (I leave it to the reader to decide whether I mean for the
speaker or the projector!)

Hey, when the going gets tough, the tough duct tape the bozo's mouth shut.

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