Manipulating Enterprise Custom Field's list of values


Fabio Souto


I need to keep the list of possible values of my enterprise custom text
field synchronized with a external table.
It is easy to achieve using PDS, but it would be better if I could use SQL
queries. And I couldn't do that.
If I insert any new value on the MSP_ATTRIBUTE_STRINGS for the 'global'
project, it doesn't appear on the list.
Does anyone have any hint if it is possible?


Fabio Souto

Bill Ehrreich


This is exactly what I'm doing. I asked the same question as you (see
my postings from this past week and weekend) and the response was that
it isn't a good idea go directly to the SQL tables.

It wasn't very difficult to write the code to use PDS to do the
updates and it works quite well.


Fabio Souto


I already used the PDS and it worked fine, but the client insists in using
SQL queries...
I will check your past postings.
Well, thanks anyway :)


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