manual pagination and/or find sentences at bottom of a page and top of a page.



Are there any ways to manipulate the pagination functions besides the
keepwithnext and keeptogether. For instance Say I have a paragraph with 3
sentences that split from the bottom of the page to the next page. Word
will handle that automatically but I want it to split the paragraph say
after a completed sentence, and sometimes add a message on the next page
with a label from the previous page at the beginning of the paragraph.
Otherwise is there a way to find out what the last sentence on a given page
is or any other functions that could help in that process so I can manually
figure out how to split the data by position.


There are enough functions to do it, although the practice is fairly tricky.
You can work your way through the document by paragraph, sentence, word, or
even character. In each case you can work out what page you're on using the
information() function. If the range is more than a character you might need
to check its start and end points separately.

You can get the last sentence on the current page using:



Thx for this tip, I think all the info I need are available now w/ that bit
of code and the information function, thanks again.

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