Manupulating BuiltIn Commandbarbutton in Powerpoint



When curstomizing Powerpoint 2000 I would like the Builtin "&Fill Color"
button to be updated with the last used color (same for line color) even if I
replace the builtin popup with my own... (I need to call a custom color
Is this possible and how... or am I barkin up the wrong tree, should I work
a different way???



Steve Rindsberg

When curstomizing Powerpoint 2000 I would like the Builtin "&Fill Color"
button to be updated with the last used color (same for line color) even if I
replace the builtin popup with my own... (I need to call a custom color

Curstomizing. I like it.
Customizing PPT and cursing it DO go hand in hand too often.

This will do what you want, I think:

ActivePresentation.ExtraColors.Add RGB(Red:=1, Green:=200, Blue:=100)


Hi Steve,

Thanks for the reply but I think I explained it wrong.
Your help is for adding a custom color to the palette. It does not however
put the color on the face of the Fill color control button.
Basically I need to present the user with a choice of 9 colors in 4
graduations. The builtin fill color popup only has a width of 8 colors. So I
would like to use a custom popup or userform. I would however like to return
the last used Fill Color to the builtin Fill Color Control button on the
Drawing toolbar because it's faster to use.

Does this make sence?


Steve Rindsberg

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the reply but I think I explained it wrong.
Your help is for adding a custom color to the palette. It does not however
put the color on the face of the Fill color control button.

Ah, I see what you're after and I'm afraid I don't know how to get PPT to do
it. If you can get a reference to the button you could .PasteFace a copied
shape of the correct color into it, but that still wouldn't make it apply that


Couldn't I attack this another way???
Is there a way to make those msoControlSplitButton's myself ?


Steve Rindsberg

Couldn't I attack this another way???
Is there a way to make those msoControlSplitButton's myself ?

I don't know the answer to that one, I'm afraid.

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