many questions



Could anyone please answer the following questions:

1.How can you run animated clips in forms
2.Are there any more fancy fonts
3.Haven't got the help file for the Northwind sample dbase
5.I want to learn the basics for VBA online
6.Has anyone got VB help files that come with Access
6.How do I concatenate a value from a field with a web
address so that a control pointing to a particular web
address is unique, e.g. the home page for upmystreet
is "" and if I typed in a new
record with the post code "B17 9PH", this changes
to "".

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

PS. Could you also send me a personal email as well as
sharing with the rest of the group, thank you.


John Nurick

Could anyone please answer the following questions:

1.How can you run animated clips in forms

I've never wanted to, but I guess you'd use an UnboundObjectFrame
2.Are there any more fancy fonts

Zillions, a few downloadable for free and the rest for sale.
3.Haven't got the help file for the Northwind sample dbase

There isn't one.
5.I want to learn the basics for VBA online
6.Has anyone got VB help files that come with Access

They're on the Office or Access CD, but not part of the default
installation. Use the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet to fire
up Office Setup and install them.
6.How do I concatenate a value from a field with a web
address so that a control pointing to a particular web
address is unique, e.g. the home page for upmystreet
is "" and if I typed in a new
record with the post code "B17 9PH", this changes
to "".

Possibly something like this (untested air code) in the Click event
procedure of a button:

Dim strURL as String

strURL = Me.Controls("WebAddress").Value _
& "overview/?l1=" _
& Replace(Me.Controls("Postcode").Value, _
" ", "+")
Application.FollowHyperlink strURL
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

PS. Could you also send me a personal email as well as
sharing with the rest of the group, thank you.

'Fraid not.

John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]

Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.


There isn't one.

Office97 : NWIND80.HLP : Office\Samples folder.
Office2000 : NWIND9.HLP : Office\Samples folder.
Office2000 : NWINDCS9.HLP : Office\Samples folder.
OfficeXP : Unknown to me.


Thank you john & ryc, I'll try out your suggestions.

You've been most helpful.

John, I have some queries regarding your replies,
1. Could you please provide me with the URL for the "free"
downloadable fonts
2. When I opened up the Northwind sample dbase, it
has "Show me" on the meun bar which when clicked complains
that I don't have the Nwind80.hlp help file....this is
what I meant.
3. I'd downloaded some animated clips from MS's website
which stop animating. Where is the property set you talked
about, I can't see it.

Still yet to try our ur VB code, will let u know how I

In the meantime, thanks again for your replies and in
future I won't insist on personal emails but will keep
discussions posted in the disussion group.

-----Original Message-----
Could anyone please answer the following questions:

1.How can you run animated clips in forms

I've never wanted to, but I guess you'd use an UnboundObjectFrame

2.Are there any more fancy fonts

Zillions, a few downloadable for free and the rest for sale.
3.Haven't got the help file for the Northwind sample

There isn't one.
5.I want to learn the basics for VBA online
6.Has anyone got VB help files that come with Access

They're on the Office or Access CD, but not part of the default
installation. Use the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet to fire
up Office Setup and install them.
6.How do I concatenate a value from a field with a web
address so that a control pointing to a particular web
address is unique, e.g. the home page for upmystreet
is "" and if I typed in a new
record with the post code "B17 9PH", this changes
to "".

Possibly something like this (untested air code) in the Click event
procedure of a button:

Dim strURL as String

strURL = Me.Controls("WebAddress").Value _
& "overview/?l1=" _
& Replace(Me.Controls("Postcode").Value, _
" ", "+")
Application.FollowHyperlink strURL
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

PS. Could you also send me a personal email as well as
sharing with the rest of the group, thank you.

'Fraid not.

John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]

Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.



I tried out your code as follows:

Private Sub Command64_Click()
Dim strURL As String

strURL = Me.Controls
("").Value _
& "overview/?l1=" _
& Replace(Me.Controls("Post Code").Value, _
" ", "+")
Application.FollowHyperlink strURL
End Sub

........which comes back with the error:

"Run-time error 2645, MS Access can't find the
field, "" referred to you in
your expression".

-----Original Message-----
Thank you john & ryc, I'll try out your suggestions.

You've been most helpful.

John, I have some queries regarding your replies,
1. Could you please provide me with the URL for the "free"
downloadable fonts
2. When I opened up the Northwind sample dbase, it
has "Show me" on the meun bar which when clicked complains
that I don't have the Nwind80.hlp help file....this is
what I meant.
3. I'd downloaded some animated clips from MS's website
which stop animating. Where is the property set you talked
about, I can't see it.

Still yet to try our ur VB code, will let u know how I

In the meantime, thanks again for your replies and in
future I won't insist on personal emails but will keep
discussions posted in the disussion group.

-----Original Message-----
Could anyone please answer the following questions:

1.How can you run animated clips in forms

I've never wanted to, but I guess you'd use an UnboundObjectFrame

2.Are there any more fancy fonts

Zillions, a few downloadable for free and the rest for sale.
3.Haven't got the help file for the Northwind sample

There isn't one.
5.I want to learn the basics for VBA online
6.Has anyone got VB help files that come with Access

They're on the Office or Access CD, but not part of the default
installation. Use the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet to fire
up Office Setup and install them.
6.How do I concatenate a value from a field with a web
address so that a control pointing to a particular web
address is unique, e.g. the home page for upmystreet
is "" and if I typed in a new
record with the post code "B17 9PH", this changes
to "".

Possibly something like this (untested air code) in the Click event
procedure of a button:

Dim strURL as String

strURL = Me.Controls("WebAddress").Value _
& "overview/?l1=" _
& Replace(Me.Controls("Postcode").Value, _
" ", "+")
Application.FollowHyperlink strURL
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

PS. Could you also send me a personal email as well as
sharing with the rest of the group, thank you.

'Fraid not.

John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]

Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.

John Nurick

Office97 : NWIND80.HLP : Office\Samples folder.
Office2000 : NWIND9.HLP : Office\Samples folder.
Office2000 : NWINDCS9.HLP : Office\Samples folder.
OfficeXP : Unknown to me.

Thanks for the info. I can't find an NWIND*.HLP or NWIND*.CHM in Office

John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]

Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.

John Nurick

Thank you john & ryc, I'll try out your suggestions.

You've been most helpful.

John, I have some queries regarding your replies,
1. Could you please provide me with the URL for the "free"
downloadable fonts

I don't have one. There used to be some available from
but I'm not sure they're still there. But a Google or Altavista search
free fonts download
should find many sites.
2. When I opened up the Northwind sample dbase, it
has "Show me" on the meun bar which when clicked complains
that I don't have the Nwind80.hlp help file....this is
what I meant.

Search for it on your hard drive and/or your Office CD-ROM. If you find
it, put it in the same folder as northwind.mdb and it should be able to
find it.
3. I'd downloaded some animated clips from MS's website
which stop animating. Where is the property set you talked
about, I can't see it.

How were you displaying these when they were animating?

Still yet to try our ur VB code, will let u know how I

In the meantime, thanks again for your replies and in
future I won't insist on personal emails but will keep
discussions posted in the disussion group.

-----Original Message-----
Could anyone please answer the following questions:

1.How can you run animated clips in forms

I've never wanted to, but I guess you'd use an UnboundObjectFrame

2.Are there any more fancy fonts

Zillions, a few downloadable for free and the rest for sale.
3.Haven't got the help file for the Northwind sample

There isn't one.
5.I want to learn the basics for VBA online
6.Has anyone got VB help files that come with Access

They're on the Office or Access CD, but not part of the default
installation. Use the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet to fire
up Office Setup and install them.
6.How do I concatenate a value from a field with a web
address so that a control pointing to a particular web
address is unique, e.g. the home page for upmystreet
is "" and if I typed in a new
record with the post code "B17 9PH", this changes
to "".

Possibly something like this (untested air code) in the Click event
procedure of a button:

Dim strURL as String

strURL = Me.Controls("WebAddress").Value _
& "overview/?l1=" _
& Replace(Me.Controls("Postcode").Value, _
" ", "+")
Application.FollowHyperlink strURL
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

PS. Could you also send me a personal email as well as
sharing with the rest of the group, thank you.

'Fraid not.

John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]

Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.

John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]

Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.

John Nurick


The code below assumes you have a control on your form whose name is
"", which I guess is not the case.

Your original message wasn't clear, and it seemed that you had one field
(or control) containing the base URL and another containing the
postcode. If the base URL is always "", the
code below should do.

Also, it seems from another of your posts that you are using Access 97,
which doesn't have a Replace() function. So I've added a few lines to
convert the " " to a "+":

Private Sub Command64_Click()
Dim strURL As String
Dim strPC As String
Dim j As Long

strPC = Me.Controls("Post Code").Value
For j = 1 To Len(strPC)
If Mid(strPC, j, 1) = " " Then
Mid(strPC, j, 1) = "+"
End If
strURL = "" _
& strPC
Application.FollowHyperlink strURL
End Sub

However, it seems


I tried out your code as follows:

Private Sub Command64_Click()
Dim strURL As String

strURL = Me.Controls
("").Value _
& "overview/?l1=" _
& Replace(Me.Controls("Post Code").Value, _
" ", "+")
Application.FollowHyperlink strURL
End Sub

.......which comes back with the error:

"Run-time error 2645, MS Access can't find the
field, "" referred to you in
your expression".

-----Original Message-----
Thank you john & ryc, I'll try out your suggestions.

You've been most helpful.

John, I have some queries regarding your replies,
1. Could you please provide me with the URL for the "free"
downloadable fonts
2. When I opened up the Northwind sample dbase, it
has "Show me" on the meun bar which when clicked complains
that I don't have the Nwind80.hlp help file....this is
what I meant.
3. I'd downloaded some animated clips from MS's website
which stop animating. Where is the property set you talked
about, I can't see it.

Still yet to try our ur VB code, will let u know how I

In the meantime, thanks again for your replies and in
future I won't insist on personal emails but will keep
discussions posted in the disussion group.

-----Original Message-----
Could anyone please answer the following questions:

1.How can you run animated clips in forms

I've never wanted to, but I guess you'd use an UnboundObjectFrame

2.Are there any more fancy fonts

Zillions, a few downloadable for free and the rest for sale.

3.Haven't got the help file for the Northwind sample dbase

There isn't one.

5.I want to learn the basics for VBA online

6.Has anyone got VB help files that come with Access

They're on the Office or Access CD, but not part of the default
installation. Use the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet to fire
up Office Setup and install them.

6.How do I concatenate a value from a field with a web
address so that a control pointing to a particular web
address is unique, e.g. the home page for upmystreet
is "" and if I typed in a new
record with the post code "B17 9PH", this changes
to "".

Possibly something like this (untested air code) in the Click event
procedure of a button:

Dim strURL as String

strURL = Me.Controls("WebAddress").Value _
& "overview/?l1=" _
& Replace(Me.Controls("Postcode").Value, _
" ", "+")
Application.FollowHyperlink strURL

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

PS. Could you also send me a personal email as well as
sharing with the rest of the group, thank you.

'Fraid not.

John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]

Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.

John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]

Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.



As you can see I'm unable to view your latest responses, I
would be most grateful if you could email them to me at
(e-mail address removed)

thank you

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