Please help, I just can't seem to get this figured out..
The scenario is that the teacher gives the students of which there are 25, a
packet assignment for each week which consists of six subjects. Each subject
is worth 10 points as well as a test worth 40 points, for a total of 100
points possible for that week.
Tables are:
Subject(SubjectID, SubjectName)
Assignment(AssignmentID, AssignmentName, DueDate, PointsPossible)
Student(StudentID, StudentName)
StudentSubjectAssignment(AssignmentID, StudentID, SubjectID, SubmissionDate,
It seems just about impossible for me to make a form showing the assignment,
subject, and student with corresponding score.
Thank you
The scenario is that the teacher gives the students of which there are 25, a
packet assignment for each week which consists of six subjects. Each subject
is worth 10 points as well as a test worth 40 points, for a total of 100
points possible for that week.
Tables are:
Subject(SubjectID, SubjectName)
Assignment(AssignmentID, AssignmentName, DueDate, PointsPossible)
Student(StudentID, StudentName)
StudentSubjectAssignment(AssignmentID, StudentID, SubjectID, SubmissionDate,
It seems just about impossible for me to make a form showing the assignment,
subject, and student with corresponding score.
Thank you