Many to Many relationship question...


Brian McCullough

Hello All,

I have a question regarding a Many to Many relationship. I am building a
database to store information about (American) Football games.

During a season a team will play many games and each game has 2 teams
associated with it (one home team and one away team). I am trying to
determine the best approach to storing this data in an Access 2002 (XP)
database. I have basic solutions as described below. If you wouldn't mind
letting me know which solution is better and why, I would appreciate it...

1. Build a Team and a Game table. The Game table with have fields such as
HomeTeamId, AwayTeamId, HomeTeamScore, AwayTeamScore.

2. Build a Team, Game, and TeamGame table. The Game table will store
information such as GameDateTime (date and time a game is scheduled for) and
Stadium. The TeamGame table will be the equivalent of a many to many table
linking all the teams to the games they have or will play in. The TeamGame
table will store fields such as Score and LocationCode (Home, Away,

I guess this question is more academic than technical as I could accomplish
this either way. I just wanted to get some thoughts on it...



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