Many to Many Relationship



Thank you in advance for your help. I would like to create a form that
captures laboratory reference ranges from many different labs. Each lab has
a unique lab code assigned and I have a table for LabID which include Name
and address.

Each lab collects the same test results (i.e. glucose, calcium, potassium
etc..). They may have different units as well as Male and Female ranges.

I've built a table LabTest with each test and unit with the lab code as the
primary key.

I've built a table LabRange that has fileds for Low; High; Male Low; Male
High; Female Low; and Female High.

How to I put this together on a form so that data entry can enter the Lab
address and each range value for each test.

For example Lab ABC lab a 100 west st has the following ranges
Glucose 100 - 200
Calcuium Male 20-40 Female 18-38

I had started to include Glucose Low; Glucose High; Glucose Male Low etc..
for each lab test and that didn't seem to be the best way forward.

I hope this is an easy one as my expertise is not programming.

Thanks again

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