I have a database that is based on TBL_Project (housing project details),
with a PK Project_ID, autonumber. However, one project may have more than one
name that users will be searching on, and all names should be active, so once
I realized this, I pulled the names out of TBL_Project and now they're in a
new table - TBL_Project_Name, with Project_Name_ID as the PK, Project_ID as
the FK, and a field Project_Name (text field housing the name). When I need
to enter a new Project name, Project_Name and Project_Name_ID are populated,
but I cannot get the Project_ID field to populate because I'm not entering
any other data to TBL_Project. I need to have this Project_ID field
populated before I can populate any other tables in the realtionship.
Anyone offering ideas?
with a PK Project_ID, autonumber. However, one project may have more than one
name that users will be searching on, and all names should be active, so once
I realized this, I pulled the names out of TBL_Project and now they're in a
new table - TBL_Project_Name, with Project_Name_ID as the PK, Project_ID as
the FK, and a field Project_Name (text field housing the name). When I need
to enter a new Project name, Project_Name and Project_Name_ID are populated,
but I cannot get the Project_ID field to populate because I'm not entering
any other data to TBL_Project. I need to have this Project_ID field
populated before I can populate any other tables in the realtionship.
Anyone offering ideas?