The table keeps up with employee's # of hours worked for that week. Two
questions are asked- 1. Did Employee work entire week? OR 2. Did Employee NOT
work entire week. If #2 is true then the supervisor chooses from several
different options as to why their employee didn't work an entire week. (i.e.
Vacation, Sick, FMLA, & etc... ) All of which hours for type of "Leave" is
recorded as well. (i.e. Vacation = 4hrs for 11/28/05)
By local tables you mean create a table for EACH supervisor? How would you
suggest I put ALL Supervisors Data into ONE report?
Don't confuse data PRESENTATION - a form or report - with data
STORAGE. They are different tasks with different requirements!
You will need at least two tables:
<other bio details>
COnsidering that a supervisor would herself be an employee, you can
use a "Self Join" relationship where the SupervisorID field in one
record would be the EmployeeID of that person's supervisor. Only the
CEO would have a NULL SupervisorID.
EmployeeID < link to Employees
TimeType << e.g. Working, Leave, Sick, Vacation, ...
You'ld record each episode of work or absence in a new record in the
Hours table.
For a Report for a given supervisor's employees, you'ld create a
Totals Query joining Employees to Hours, summing the hours, grouping
by TimeType, and using a criterion to select the supervisor.
There are many other possibilities but this should give you a good
John W. Vinson[MVP]