Map Function in Word 2000?


A. Turner

Fellow posters:

I have MS Word 2000 (v. 9.0.3821) and would like to know if there is a
built-in function for doing maps.

For a upcoming report, mostly text, I'd like to do a map of the U.S.,
where I'd be able to congregate neighboring states together into
separate regions and add some text annotation. It won't be a
four-color production, but I'd like to get a crisp clear result. Can
this be done? If not, what utility ware do I need to have to make it

Thanks in advance,

Kate G.

It can be done -- a little convoluted....

Create an Excel file that has the names of a few US states in the first
cells of column A. Save it.


That opens a window and asks you to use the menu to select INSERT -->
EXTERNAL DATA -- then select EXCEL and it will open a window in which you
will navigate to the Excel File you saved.

In my case == it looked like it was gonna hang -- until I switched via the
Taskbar back to Excel -- where I selected the range of cells I had typed in
the original Excel File. A map will be inserted. Double click the map -
then Double Click it again -- and deselect everything except the US States
Option. You can "go into" the map by double clicking -- selecting the
Legend and deleting it if you choose.

Click out of the map.

Now select the map and RIGHT click -- and go to FORMAT object -- and select
Square (just not inline with text)


Now Right click over the map again -- and select GROUPING -- UNGROUP.

Now each state is an individual unit. You can use the Control button to
select multiple states at once. You can then copy it and paste it into your
document. You may color the individual states by clicking off the grouping
and then using the drawing toolbar to format the states. When done -- use
the SELECT ARROW from the drawing toolbar (Or Control +click +click...) to
select all of the states . Then group them from the DRAW MENU on the
drawing toolbar. Now you can resize or move the object around as a single

Like I said -- convoluted... but it gets you the states and you can use them
one-by-one, in groups or as a whole country!

Good Luck!

Kate in MN

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Note that current versions of Excel no longer have the map function (which
also is not installed in a Typical install even in earlier versions).

A. Turner

Thank you both for your input. I'll be sure to check the Excel on my machine for it.


A. Turner


Thank you for your detailed instruction.

My computer's Excel does have the Microsoft Map function under
Insert/Object. So I gave it a try.

I stumbled when I try to right click the map to Format Object--Square
is not one of the options. Mine just showed 6 tabs: Colors and Lines,
Size, Picture, Protection, Properties, and Web.

Not sure where I did wrong, and would be grateful for any pointers.

p.s. To the Group moderator: Would it be more prudent to move this
discussion to a Newsgroup focusing on MS Excel?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There is no moderator. If you feel the thread should be moved, you will need
to start a new thread in an Excel NG.

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