Map Network Drive



Im sending out an ACCESS frontend SQL backend program to hundreds of users
within a company.

Is there a way in code to map a network drive automatically for a user. They
need to get to this shared folder/drive for other reasons within our process
but I would like to avoid sending out instructions and walking them thru the
'map network drive' process.

thanks in advance for your expertise.

Paul Overway

Shell "net use P: \\server\sharename"

Where P is the drive letter you want to use. Word of caution on this you know for sure that none of the users will already have a P
drive (or whatever you decide) mapped?

Albert D. Kallal

Bret said:
Im sending out an ACCESS frontend SQL backend program to hundreds of users
within a company.

Is there a way in code to map a network drive automatically for a user.
need to get to this shared folder/drive for other reasons within our
but I would like to avoid sending out instructions and walking them thru
'map network drive' process.

I am a bit confused. When you say "SQL backend" program, are you talking
about sql server? If that is the case, then you don't need any drive

Further, drive mapping is a really bad idea, and good developers as a rule
avoid this approach. You need to use what is called a UNC name.


Further, when you say hundreds. Are you expecting to allow hundreds of users
working at the same time hitting the back end file share? I don't think that
is going to work well at all. Further, are you talking about a lan, or a
wan? If you are talking about a wan, then you need to read the following:

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