MAPI dev question


David Strome

I was hoping you might be able to help me with a small issue one of my dev
guys is having. I apologize in advance if I'm missing crucial info...I only
know enough VB to get myself into a heap of trouble...I'm simply relaying a
question from my dev guy. :)

We have apps that connect to the Exchange server (5.5 SP4, soon to be
Ex2003Sp1) via MAPI, using CDO (client machine has Outlook 2k). We retrieve
the messages and attachments in the mailbox. For the most part, this works
great. However, we recently ran into a problem with embedded messages. We're
unable to retrieve them. We dug up this page: which
specifically states that grabbing attachments of type CdoEmbeddedMessage is
not supported.

What I'm wondering is if there is another method (using MAPI) to grab these
attachment types? Or if this will be possible with our move to Ex2003SP1 and
Outlook 2003. If not, I'd be interested in knowing why it's not. And if
there is any other method for doing so, even outside MAPI. My assumption is
nesting, but then again, I'm not exactly a developer :)

Thanks for your help,


Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]

You should be able to retrieve the embedded attachment by assigning the
Attachment.Source property to a MAPI.Message object. See this article for an

How To Use CDO (1.x) to Get Source Message from Non-Delivery Receipt (NDR):

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