MAPIMESSAGE Setting Sensitivity to Confidential


Ian Fry

I want to set the Message option Sensitivity to Confidential from inside code
VB, VBA, VBA in MSACCESS or VBA in Excel - I don't care
The MAPISendMail of MAPI32.dll does not include an option in the MAPIMESSAGE
I reckon it is probably a FLAG, but can't find a list of FLAG CODES anywhere
in the KB.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Sensitivity is a property specific to Outlook. It and other Outlook message features are not supported in Simple MAPI, AFAIK.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

The flags won't help you. Here's a definition enum of the message flags.

Public Enum MapiMessageFlags
End Enum

I haven't seen anything about setting the property you want unless you use
actual Outlook automation and not simple MAPI. Those are the only flag
values defined in MAPI.H.

Ian Fry

Thanks Ken.
I saw that and worked on the principle that somebody knew what &H3 would
control etc.

Ian Fry

Thanks for that..

For your edification, what I was trying to do was cope with a situation where

a) PGP-Home had been mandated as the encryption to be used on emailing
certain information. All requests to use a higher version with command-line
ability had been denied
b) I then found that I could attach PGP-Home to Outlook so that all emails
flagged as Confidential automatically used PGP encryption. Well that is what
the PGP manual says but my first attempts didn't work
c) Ah - did I tell you I am not allowed to use any real programming like
d) The MSAccess SendObject has no encryption ability. The actual Outlook
object in VBA doesn't give me a lot of joy either.
e) I had thought that with MAPI I could get to everything. I would also be a
little bit protected where users were running a variety of Outlook versions.

Such is the life of a long distance evangilist for Microsoft's ability to
integrate everything.

Ian Fry

The link that I received via email to rate the response throws an error.
I rate this response as
- excellent in terms of speed of response
- accepted as a resolution to my request

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Extended MAPI, maybe, but MAPISendMail is Simple MAPI and supports only a very small feature set. Extended MAPI requires C++ or Delphi, so it wouldn't fit your requirements.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Michael Bauer

Am Wed, 26 Jul 2006 07:41:01 -0700 schrieb Ian Fry:

Regarding the Enum values Ken wrote &H3 would be:
&H1 OR &H2

That is, both flags are set.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Michael is correct, in any of those bit flag type enums you always have
succeeding enum members move up in value by the next power of 2. Think of
those values as bits in a word, not as hex values.

Long story short, Simple MAPI doesn't support message flags such as

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