Mapping "Resource Code" field when exporting to a Pivot table



I am trying to export MSP files to an Excel pivot table file. In my
resource sheet for the project I have put "account codes" into the
"Code" field of each resource.

I'm trying to build a report that shows cost by task by resource by

When I use the Export Wizard to map the task data to a pivot table for
exporting, I would like to include this field in the export. I can't
find a way to map the field. The Wizard allow me to map Resource Names
and Resource Group but it does not allow me to map any other Resource
Code field.

Is there a way to do this? Note, I realize that multiple resources map
to a task and that this likely involves some sort of "join" in the
under lying MSP tables, but if it allows you to map Names and Groups,
why not codes?

Can anyone suggest an approach that will work.


Hello c-cubed,

You are attempting to export Resource data using a Task export map. The
Resource Names field and the Resource Group fields are the two well
known fields that show resource data in the task table. Assuming you
are not using the Japanese version of Project, you can copy the Code
information from the Resource Sheet to the Phonetics field. (Add it to
the Resource Sheet view). Modify the export map to add [Resource
Phonetics] to the Task data export.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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