Maps for a multi user file




I am editing a project file which is used by several
people. Some of the changes I have made required a
new "map" which is used to save data into an Excel file
whenever data in the project file is saved.

Whilst the map works from my PC, it did not work on
another user's PC untill I copied the map from
the 'current project' maps to the global maps using the
orgainisor from within that workstation.

Would I have to do this manually for all the PCs of those
who will use this file? Do maps have to be located in
the "global" file to work and if so can this global file
me made generally availabe?



Mike Glen

Hi Andrew,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

I don't have a server, but as I understand it if the Global.mpt resides on
the server it will be available to everyone with a licensed copy of Project.
They can then use that global.mpt or copy using the Organizer from that
global.mpt to their own project. Be aware that individuals may have their
own global.mpt files on their own PCs depending how Project and the servers
were set up.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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