Marching ants border in shapes




I have a shape (probably from a flow-chart type) which is like a
rectangle. I want it's border to be in the form of marching ants. I
have tried doing right click on shape --> format --> line but the list
of options in pattern doesnt list the one I want.

Is this available in Visio 2003?

Also is there an utility in Visio which would tell me as to what kind
of shape I have. (similar to PPT MVP Steve Rindsberg RnR tool "tell me
about this object")


John Marshall, MVP

You would have to create the line pattern to have marching ants.

The shapes in PPT are simpler than in Visio, so it would be impossible for
Steve to convert his tool for use with Visio.
(Steve was one of the original people helping in the Visio CompuServe

John... Visio MVP


You would have to create the line pattern to have marching ants.

How do I create a line pattern which shows up like marching ants. (let
me confess - didnt do much of R&D). I selected drawing toolbar and a
line from that, but even this "one-dimesional" shape doesnt have the
requisite option. (I was thinking that if lines have this property
then I could align 4 90 degree lines to form a rectangle with marching

The shapes in PPT are simpler than in Visio, so it would be impossible for
Steve to convert his tool for use with Visio.
(Steve was one of the original people helping in the Visio CompuServe

I do see that Visio atleast offers the name of the shape while in
powerpoint one had to use Steve's tool. Why cant MS offer these
features consistently across different office softwares.

Also I see that in right click format--> special

a) Help Vis_SFB.chm!#50006 is mentioned. What is the utility of this
info. Is it for easy Development purposes?

b) What does Master: Process Sheet.4 mean?



Do you have an example of the marching ants.

In Winword one can right click --> Font --> Text effects --> Marching
black/red ants and I wanted to do something similar in Visio.

Logic? - Iam trying to represent a "somewhat fluid" process in my
diagram. Like there are 4 different types of data pulls which IT need
to do for me and they will be exceuting it together. Im encircling
these 4 rectangles in to one big rectangle and want it to be within a
marching ant border.

I have a number of different situations where using such marching ants
border seems to make more sense.


John Marshall, MVP

I did a little research on my own. Though I knew of the effect, I was not
aware that it was called "marching ants". Unfortunately, the line patterns
are static, so it would not be possible to create the effect with line
patterns. Of course, I have been wrong before. ;-) You would need a method
of chaning the geometry over time.

John... Visio MVP

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