Margin between the bottom of Footnote and the Page Number


Tian TAN

There is a margin between the end of my footnotes and the page number on each
page. It looks like a blank line.

I already set all the things related to footnote in the Normal view back to
default. But it doesn't work.

What should I do?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There should be some space between your footnotes and your footer/page
number. The amount of this space is determined by the difference between
your bottom margin and your footer margin.

Tian TAN

It seems the margin is something in the footnotes.

Because I have two documents with the same setting of bottom margin and
footer margin, but one of them looks like have one extra line between the
footer and footnotes. And this margin certainly remains the same after
adjusting the bottom margin and footer margin.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Does the Footnote Text style have Space After? This should be suppressed, so
it is probably irrelevant. Display nonprinting characters (Ctrl+*) and make
sure there are no extra, empty paragraphs in either the footnote or the

Tian TAN

I am now pretty sure it is at the end of footnote as I saw the distance
between the end of the footnotes and the bottom margin marked by two L-shape.

There is no strange character on either the end of footnotes or the begining
of footer, excerpt the carriage following the last word of footnotes on the
same line.

I did try to change the "font" and "paragraph" of the footnotes, and "undo"
for a couple of times. Where else should I check again?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

To clarify: when you displayed nonprinting characters, you should have seen
a paragraph mark (¶) at the end of your footnote. If you saw another ¶ below
the footnote, then this would indicate an extra, empty paragraph.

Check the Format | Paragraph dialog. I don't think that Space After or
Multiple/Exact line spacing would have this effect (all space following
should be suppressed at the bottom of a page), but it's the only other thing
I can think of.

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