Margins for Normal Style



I am using Word 2000

I have customized the "normal" style the way I want it
except for the margins. How do I change the margins on
this style? I like 1" side margins, not 1.25".



Use instead the menu FILE > PAGE SETUP to set overall margins.

It is possible to set the indents for a style in FORMAT > PARAGRAPH
Thus if my Normal style has indents of 1" and my page margins are set
at 1.25", my normal paragraphs will actually appear to start at 2.25"
from the edge of the page.

If I know that the page margins are set at 1.25" I could set the Normal
paragrah to have indents set at "minus point 25 inches" (that appears
as -0.5") so that they start one inch from the page but I think you
will find that using FILE > PAGE SETUP is the better way

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello Aurora
I am using Word 2000

I have customized the "normal" style the way I want it
except for the margins. How do I change the margins on
this style? I like 1" side margins, not 1.25".

What you ask for is:

Format | Style ... <chose "Normal"> ... Format | Paragraph | Indent.

What you really might want to do is:

File | Page Setup and change the page margins (left and right).

Impossible to decide which would serve you better without knowing a bit



I did what you said and it changed the placement the
margin on the page. But when I go into page setup, it
still reads side margins of 1.25" If there any way to
change this default to 1" on both sides?



I did change the indent. On the page it looks right, but
when I go into the page setup it still reads 1.25" for
both side margins. I simply want all of default pages to
start with 1" margins on both sides. I don't like having
my paper (screen) appear one way and the page setup to
tell me something different. I know that somewhere down
the line I will screw something up trying to make changes
in margins that don't agree. Isn't there a way to change
the default to 1" on both sides?


Daiya Mitchell

Don't change the indent. Set the indents to zero (except maybe a first line
indent). Then ignore the indents. To change the margins for the entire
document, use ONLY File | Page Setup. Click save it for new

Generally, you would only indent a style to make it different from the rest
of the document. For instance, a style for block quotations, which are
indented from the rest of the text, would require an indent on both sides.

Graham Mayor

There are two issues involved here
1. Page margins
This is the base margin setting of the underlying page and is set from file
page setup. Change the settings to what you require and click the default
button. SAVE NORMAL.DOT when prompted on exit.
2. Paragraph indents
You can set the left and right indents (or outdents) of any paragraph style
to override the page margin settings for that style. Rather than change the
indents for the normal paragraph style which can have knock on effects
elsewhere, create an indented paragraph style for use when such a layout is

Such changes unless saved to affect only the current document.
Changes saved to apply to new documents.
If you cannot persuade the changes to stick, open directly and
make the changes there.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Thank you. When I went back to Page Setup, I saw the
default button. That worked. This exactly what I wanted.
Thank you so much. Aurora

Graham Mayor

You are welcome :)

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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