Mark My Comments Feature



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

Does Entourage has the feature to "mark My Comments" with ...... like in MS Outlook. Where I can write my comments against the original text on replies and will be highlighted in a different color with my name against it

Diane Ross

Does Entourage has the feature to "mark My Comments" with ...... like in MS
Outlook. Where I can write my comments against the original text on replies
and will be highlighted in a different color with my name against it

If you use plain text, replies are shown in different colors.

Open Entourage Preferences under Entourage in the Menu bar. Select View.
You'll see the color quoting that's used. It's best to leave the default

Plain Text or HTML

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