Hi Alan -
One thing I can tell you for certain is that reinstalling Mac Office
*rarely* fixes anything - especially if a proper & complete Removal isn't
done first. That's a "fix" that's common on Windows primarily due to the
inherently potential devastation & intimidation of trying to hack the
Windows Registry in order to correct everything from minor annoyances to
major malfunctions. Mac OS just doesn't work that way
BTW - Having reinstalled Office you'll also need to apply the 12.0.1 updater
again if you haven't done so already... Another "downside" to
It would help to have the additional answers I requested in the 3rd
paragraph of my previous reply, but I don't think an archive & install is
needed just yet - although the key click issue suggests that something isn't
quite right with the OS [I'm assuming you mean the feature in the OS X
Universal Access preferences. If I'm correct you might also re-check the
settings there as they can induce such an effect].
The next thing I'd try is downloading & re-applying the 10.5.2 Combo Update
which you can obtain here:
That's one of the things that scares me about updating to 10.5.2 - prior to
Leopard there were separate updaters for PPC/Intel. Now they're trying to do
both processor bases with 1 updater & I'm not convinced it's as efficacious
as I'd like it to be.
You may also need 1 or both of the following:
Run Disk Utility - Repair Disk Permissions after applying any of the above,
restart your MB and let us know what happens. If that doesn't resolve things
give us the other answers... We'll go from there.
Just one other though - I take it you're dbl-clicking with the built-in
console controls. Do you have an external (USB or wireless) mouse available?
See if you have the same problem if you can beg/borrow one for a few days.
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac