Marquee error




I'm trying to put a scrolling marquee in a word doc. From the webtools
toolbar I'm selecting scrolling text...but get the following error -

This object was created in MARQUEE.
This application is not available to open this object.
Make sure the application is properly installed and that it has not been
deleted, moved, or renamed.

To my knowledge everything was installed OK as everything else works fine.
I've checked for any patches/updates or even for add-on's but no joy.

Any ideas on how to get this working without having to reinstall word/office
please? Is there a d/l from somewhere so I can just re-install the web tools
toolbar or does it not work like that?

Thanks in advance,


Jay Freedman

It isn't going to work. MS removed support for a number of object types
because of security problems, and there's no sign that they're ever going to
be replaced. See for details.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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